I'm a celebrity, get me out of here begins on NBC.
NBC is expecting 4-8 million viewers per episode. The longer Stephen Baldwin stays on the more money will be donated to Love146.
We will keep you guys updated with new information. Please spread the word (seriously, we can't do this without you), this could be a major source of funding which will provide prevention and aftercare to the children we serve.
I'm a celebrity, get me out of here will be on:
Monday-Thursday (that's right 4 nights a week!) from 8-9 (although tonight's premiere is 2 hrs.)
June 1 -18 and:
Monday-Wednesday from 8-9, June 22-24
So, even though June is one of the most beautiful months of the year, stay inside, watch TV and vote:) (who really needs sunshine and fresh air)
I "met" Rob when he and his wife were adopting from Vietnam, and I have been following his blog and this blog ever since.
I blogged and Facebooked about "I'm a Celebrity" and Love146 today!
Thank you so much for getting the word out!
just tweeted my brains out about it!
Thanks Jason!
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